Mission and Principles

Our Core Values Outlined for YOUR business

Every company needs a clear mission and values, we want to share ours for all to see. 


Welcome to Real Technical Solutions, an experienced Recruitment Consultancy specialising in IT, Project and Business Management. We enable professional organisations of all sizes to resource projects, fill interim positions and successfully place permanent hires. We do this by building relationships, learning about your business and working in partnership with you to gather your true technical, business and unique cultural requirements. After gaining a real understanding of your organisation, we source and shortlist the best candidates for your company. This results in helping to build the best team for your business and to meet your future goals.

Core Business Principles

At Real Technical Solutions we believe in putting our candidates and clients first and want the process of working with us to embody our values and ethics. Forming ethical, values-driven relationships is so important to us, giving our interactions with you that extra touch. We have 7 business principles which outline our approach and how we would like to progress reciprocal working relationships. They are Value, Fairness, Understanding, Communication, Individuality, Empathy and Enabling. Below explains key aspects of each of these business principles:

1. Value

  • Investing the focused time to understand your role or job requirements and take an appropriate brief from our clients is vital to us.
  • Our perspective is to as far as possible provide you with long term solutions for what’s important to you. In other words, a job you love and candidates who will help your business flourish in the long term.
  • We will work with you to find out what results are really important to you and the KPI’s that pertain to the role.
  • Budget and financial considerations are part of the strategy we want to help our clients with, by working within your parameters. We also help our candidates to not focus purely on compensation but to aim to demonstrate how they can add value in interviews and consequently employment.
  • Our dedication to adding value means that we will look at how we can help you efficiently with the best role or candidate to make a difference for you in the future.
  • Relationship-building will benefit us both and therefore we aim to facilitate this by working for you and utilising our talents and efforts to progress you. At the same time, we would really appreciate if you would invest in this relationship by aligning your interactions towards not only the end goal but towards the quality of communication.
  • With full disclosure about the role from our clients and candidates and best practice from all parties, we hope to move forward with trust and commitment. In so doing, we believe that we have a greater opportunity to deliver successfully.



  1. Fairness
  • We will work hard to understand your requirements to deliver the best service possible.
  • By encouraging all parties to be committed to the process of working together, we are then equally invested in the best outcome.
  • We are open and honest with you from the start, and expect the same in return so that we have a trusting and fruitful relationship.
  • Giving relevant information of your experience (if a candidate) or your requirements (if a company) will give us an accurate and complete picture so that we can work swiftly to satisfy your unique requirements.
  • We will approach each candidate and client assignment objectively, and aim to give you the best match possible to meet your needs.
  • Relevant information throughout the process of our interactions from us to you and vice versa is important, in order that we all stay fully informed to maintain clarity and focus.
  • Treating each other with respect is important to us and we appreciate the same in return.



  1. Understanding
  • Getting a clear view of how our candidates and clients like to work is vital, so that we can offer the best information and service to all parties throughout the recruitment process.
  • We take a detailed brief from our customers in order to get a clear perspective of the technical and personal requirements of the role; we equally get to know our candidates to understand their unique potential and match them to the best role and environment.
  • Getting to know what aspects of the role specification and requirements are flexible will allow us to focus in on meeting the key priorities, but also find individuals that may be the perfect blend for the team or environment – flexibility will help us tailor our efforts to find the best solution for you!
  • Giving us information about your working culture and what it is like to work in your team or company, will give us an insight into the “lived experience” of your company, and as such we can recommend someone who will thrive with you.
  • Budgetary and package details are important so that we work within your framework and can also uncover what additional benefits there are to working with you (such as free parking, pension etcetera). Similarly, we will explore realistic compensation packages for specific roles with candidates.
  • Asking open questions to find out about the team composition and personalities will give us a further view on your unique specifications, and we hope you can take a few minutes to outline these to us.
  • We will always aim to be objective and ethical in whom we put forward in line with legislation and our equality, diversity & inclusion principles and we like to work with candidates and clients who hold these principles in high regard.


  1. Communication
  • We want to listen to you at any stage of the process to understand anything that may be on your mind, so we are happy to take the time to really understand your unique needs. That said, we are conscious of time and efficiency and work to balance service delivery with superb communication.
  • Asking relevant questions will help us find out the detail of your requirements so that we know the finer details from the start, to improve search and match effectiveness.
  • During our interactions, we want to know what qualitative and quantitative aspects you need from the role, the person and the work culture requirements.
  • Keeping our partners informed every step of the way, helps build long-lasting relationships of trust and commitment.
  • We do our best to ensure that our candidates are prepared for the interview process by helping give extra advice, tools and tips gained from our extensive specialist experience.
  • Our belief is that caring communication will help reduce stress and pressure and improve the process, making it as positive and rewarding as possible.
  • As part of the communication process, honest feedback both ways is an essential building block for our service delivery. We are receptive and grateful for feedback and at the same time will aim to deliver genuine feedback, even if this feedback is difficult (for example, if a candidate didn’t get the job or if the role has been removed due to restructure).



  1. Individuality
  • We need to understand your unique needs to help you meet your goals.
  • Each client and candidate is a unique entity and we pride ourselves on helping our candidates and customers match their specific needs.
  • Respecting others and receiving that respect back in return helps us to help you in an environment of trust and safety.
  • We will fully immerse ourselves in the process of helping you meet your goals, going all out to serve you in the best way possible for you. We are not a one approach fits all company, and we adapt our processes and methods to the requirements whilst striving to maintain steadfast ethics.
  • Our key objective is to work in your best interests, putting you and your needs first so that you feel supported and understood.
  • To us, each candidate and client is important and we are fully receptive to all of our business partners. We ask that our inclusive approach and values of equality and diversity be respected by all who work with us.
  • We look deeply at the requirements of each assignment and candidate so as to help find the best person and match them to the most appropriate role and organisation.



  1. Empathy
  • We understand that seeking work and candidates can sometimes be a challenging process and so we will try our best to help you by making the process as smooth as possible.
  • Our wealth of recruitment experience prepares us for the emotions and frustrations that can be felt by all – especially a feeling of pressure. We will endeavour keep listening, talking and helping you solve your problems as part of a mutually respectful relationship.
  • We will aim to align our efforts with your needs to tailor an arrangement that considers your requirements.
  • By looking at the problem from different perspectives, we hope to help you by providing creative and alternative options.
  • We want to serve you by also making sure that we respect your privacy and leisure time, and will communicate with you during times that are suitable to you, which we will agree upfront.
  • During the recruitment process the needs of all parties often change; if this is the case, we will communicate what we know as swiftly as possible and would ask you to help us by doing the same
  • Our strengths lie in our ability to facilitate a good match between client and candidate requirements which means that we are always aiming for the best outcome from your point of view.



  1. Enabling 
  • Our objectives include helping our clients to fill their vacancies using the best resources, services and tools at our disposal.
  • By giving us relevant information of your vision, values and requirements we are then in a position to leverage our time independently and help you reach your desired goals with ease.
  • When you entrust us to work with you, we will help you to fill suitable positions as quickly and qualitatively as possible, allowing you as the hiring manager to keep your time and energy focused on your current team. From a candidate perspective, we use our extensive networks to put you in front of relevant employers, helping to leverage your career.
  • We will work with our candidates to help highlight what contributions they can make to the relevant roles and industry they choose to work in.
  • Our journey with our clients and candidates includes helping them prepare for interviews by giving detailed advice and guidance as well as any relevant information from clients.
  • By keeping our knowledge and techniques at the forefront of recruitment best practice, we do our best to ensure that all efforts within the search are aligned and impactful.
  • Actually placing people in jobs and successfully helping teams and individuals to make a productive contribution, motivates us to put our energy and efforts towards a meaningful goal.

YOUR Traditional

We offer an unrivalled service that can partner your needs to ensure the best resourcing match to your requirements, whether you are an employer or a jobseeker.

YOUR Managed

Let us take the strain and manage your full resourcing needs, working with your business to develop the best fit for purpose resourcing solution for your organisation.

YOUR Personal

Outside the box recruitment, let us develop something for you, to get the right results for YOUR business, including options such as Brand Advertising or Head Hunting.

YOUR Bespoke

Flexibility is key to any successful organisation. Mix our services to create the best fit for your business and together we will help to create the best solution for YOUR company.